فضاء تنسيقي خاص بمادة الانجليزية | منتديات الدراسة الجزائرية

فضاء تنسيقي خاص بمادة الانجليزية

مدير الموقع

إدارة المنتدى
السلام عليكم هذا القسم(الفضاء التنسيقي) مخصص للتنسيق بين اساتذة مادة الانجليزية ****لمرحلة التعليم المتوسط ****

Here are all the MS4 level File Plans According to the ATF & AEF competencies
with (PPU & PDP) lesson plans

here are the links for each File Plan

File One " It's my treat"

FIle Two : " You can do it"

File Three:"Great Expectations"
File Four " Then & Now "
File Five " Dreams Dreams "
File SIx " Fact and Fiction "

N.B :

According to the New SLimming down of the syllabus Mai 2013 some changes occurred

Here is the slimming of the syllabus and the yearly plannings June 2013


How to tackle the Tds ( CLass Tutorials ) sessions


The Td Frame Work

The 4 levels yearly plannings






Good Luck​
السلام عليكم
اليكم جميع مذكرات السنة الثالثة متوسط لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

MS 3 level : File One - Communication - According to the ATF & AEF competencies and PPU & PDP lesson plans


MS3 level : File Two - TRAVEL - with ATF & AEF competencies and PPU & PDP lesson plans


MS3 level : File Three - ّWORK & PLAY" with ATF & AEF competencies and PPU & PDP lesson plans


MS3 level : File Four - Around the World - with ATF & AEF competencies and PPU & PDP lesson plans


Good Luck
Specific learning features of English in Algeria

First of all I would like to thank the Supervisers of Djelfa Mountada for their great collaboration for this forum page dedicated for the English Section
I would like to start with this first important document which states why is English taught in Our Country Algeria ? what is expected from our learners ? what is the role of the teacher? the answer to all those important questions are in
1) the programme document
2)document d'accopagnement
Both leaflets are provided in all the Middle Schools of the country and the teacher Must have an idea about them in order to be aware about their rights and duties towards teaching English in Algeria
so this document deals with the "specific features of teaching /learning English in Algeria
briefly teaching English in Algeria aims at making our learners master the 3IIP competencies
a] Interact
b] Interpret
c] Produce
and here is the document that states the components of each competency
here is the link
for any request or comment you are welcome
Competency Based Approach

This document deals with the Competency Based Approach , and contains the following features:
1] definition of CBA
2]the three IIP competencies their definitions and how they can be applied
3] the Integrated situation
4] MS4 level competencies and objectives
5] How to evaluate the written expression (integrated situation /problem solving situation), I will deal with this section in detail in the next days Inchaa Allah
here is the link
for any comment you are welcome
good luck
How to teach "PPU- and PDP lessons
This document deals with the newest of the teaching methods
PPU lesson deals with " speaking and grammar " lesson
PDP lesson deasl with " reading and listening " lesson
Here I explained the different technics that the teacher may use to apply both of the lessons
It will require from the teacher some great attention in the preparation field but once in class it will be so fruitfull for both the teacher and the learners and it serves also the principles of CBA and learner centered teaching method:
the link for " how to teach PPU lesson"

Here is the link for "how to teach PDP lesson -Listening Lesson-

-Here is the link for How to teach PDP - reading lesson-
The Project Pedagogy

The project pedagogy is a very important stage in the File , it's the final production of the file and it's also one of the forms of the Written Expression
It's officially planned for the levels {1st - 2nd & 3rd Am} levels however for the fourth level , it had been omitted in the (official slimming of the syllabus of June 2008 ) in order to give more time for the learners to prepare their final Exam
Here is the link
Good luck​
Algerian English teaching Forum = AEF competencies

this work concerns the Algerian English teaching Forum "AEF"
this will help the teachers while planning their lessons to set the SWBAT of each teaching skill ( listening- speaking - reading - writing) for all the levels of the Middle School.
The following teaching objective skills must appear in the lesson plan of each lesson
Here is the link:
Good Luck​
Lesson Plan Model Sheet

Dear colleagues:

While preparing your lesson plan you have to take into consideration the following points
1. study the whole file carefully.
2. make a list of the ******** learning objectives included in the file
3. determine what are your learners objectives 'SWBAT'
4. using this new lesson plan requires a great attention to the
guiding principles for teaching English in Algeria paper
and the Algerian English Teaching Forum one .

5. this will help you be aware of your daily work , master your learners objectives and progress continuously .
Here is the link:


You may have a look at the MS3 & MS4 file plans on the this forum's page to have an idea how to use this lesson plan model sheet.
good luck​
Salam and Ramadhan Kareem
Here are the 2011-2012 Yearly Plannings of all the levels
Each level's yearly planning contains:
1- Each MS learner's Entry Profile
2-The slimming of the syllabus of June 2008
3-The amount of each files taught to each MS level
4-The module of Integration

5- The 2011-2012 holidays plans
There are Two Holidays this year 2011 -2012 according to the Official Instruction of June 19th 2011:
Winter Holidays : From Thursday ,December 15th ,2011 till Monday ,January 2nd,2012
Spring Holidays : From Thursday ,Decmber 15th ,2012 till Sunday ,April 1st ,2012

OBS: There no holidays planned this year as the last year.

6- Each MS learner's exit profile

Here are the links of each MS level 2011-2012 yearly Planning

1- MS1 Level 2011-2012 yearly planning

2- MS2 level 2011-2012 yearly planning

3-MS3 level 2011-2012 yearly planning

4- MS4 level 2011-2012 yearly planning

For any remarks or comments you are welcome
Good Luck and Ramadhan Kareem
Salam Yahat
السلام عليكم هل بالامكان افادتي بنموذج دفتر تنقيط يخص مادة الانجليزية للتعليم المتوسط فانا مقبلة على الترسيم واود التحضير مسبقا
well you have to split you mark book into the following columns

1- first and family names of your learners

2-the second one for "formative evaluation , evaluation continue or التقويم المستمرso here you have to make another sheet in which you take into consideration all the behaviour of your learners (classroom participation,home works.....) because in this column you put just "the average of your learners' formative evaluation"

3- for Test 1 since you have to do 2 tests for each level per term

4- test 2

5- the Test mark (which includes the average of the formative evaluation + test1+test2 all divided by 3) which you have to multiply it by 2 which means that your final test mark is out off 40[/COLOR]
6- Exam 1/2/3 *3 which means the exam mark is out off 60

7 - the final average : test(out off 40) + exam (out off 60) all divided by 5


for the MS4 level you will have to multiply the final average by the coefficient which is for English (2) and you have the results

8- t column is for the MS4 level you fill in it the (results ) the final average multiplied by the coefficient 2 s

this is the way you will have to organize you mark book
Good luck
Salam and Ramadhan Kareem
Thank you very much for you question
1) the ATF is
A: Algerian
T: Teaching
F: Forum
the ATF are the competencies that the teacher should aim at while teaching in class or what is called Guiding Principles of Teaching English in ALgeria

2) AEF :
A: Algerian
E: English
F; Forum
the AEF deals with the Objectives of the Teaching skills ( listening- speaking-reading & writing) to the Algerian learners
which means what do you expect from your learners by the END of THE SCHOOL YEAR to be abel to do (SWBAT)
3) PPU
P: presentation
P: practice
U: Use /u:s/
PPU deals with the stages of planning and presenting ( speaking - grammar- pronunciation )lessons

4) PDP ( listening- reading - writing) lesson
P: Pre( listening / reading/ writing)
D: During or While ( listening / reading/ writing)
P: Post ( listening / reading/ writing)

and what you can see as ATF + AEF + PPU + PDP refer to what the American did here in Algeria from 2006 to 2008 or what is called by some American Method
You have a wide idea while looking at the samples of lesson plans I put on this page forum ( page 1)

N.B : The ATF & the AEF competencies should appear in each lesson plan , the teacher has to split them according to the number of lessons of each File ( one or two competencies )in each lesson plan depending on the teaching skill tackled
For more explanations you are welcome
Ramadhan Kareem