emmmmmmm actually assia i miss my best of friend i can't tell u the name
but i wish if i could see him from afar coz i really miss him
my Q is what's ur favorite food
i admit that i hurt two persons n i broke their hurt too
but believe me i didn't meant to do it so that's y i decided to apologize to them :no::no::no::no: https://eddirasa.com/forums/threads/4952/
those two persons was couple :exclamationpoint::exclamationpoint:
my Q if u were in my place what could u do
u mean in that forum or in my life ?????
actually in my life i have a lot of friends but believe me they all hypocrite n my best of friend there is only 2 girls n 2 boys
my Q is do u ever love a person who don't care about ya