funny game :) | منتديات الدراسة الجزائرية

funny game :)

this game works by having the person post a question
the next person who replies answers the question , and then asks a question of their own

the next person replies to that question , and then posts a question of their own . and so on
so my question is :
what do you say to a person which is in your mind right now
i tell that person that : i really miss u :tears::tears::tears::tears::tears
now my question is :
can u hold ur breath for one moment ????
التعديل الأخير:
me too i like novels and i write sad stories

the last film is son of god
my Q is can u love someone even he like other one
just my self ...... because i think that i'm a good person and also lucky......i don't know well persons in this site sorry

My Q is:what do u do if someone who u like him decided to leave other place
just my self ...... because i think that i'm a good person and also lucky......i don't know well persons in this site sorry

My Q is:what do u do if someone who u like him decided to leave other place