[لغة إنجليزية] - الإختبار الثالث للثانية ثانوي | منتديات الدراسة الجزائرية

[لغة إنجليزية] الإختبار الثالث للثانية ثانوي

الأستاذ علي 12

مشرف عام
exampl of third exam of english language
Level: 2AS scientific streams

Text: The earthquake, which measured 6.7 on the Richter scale and was felt as far away as Spain, was Algeria worst in more than twenty years . The earthquake devasated numerous towns throughout Boumerdes on May 21,2003 at 7:44 pm, when families were gathering for dinner. It killed 2.200 people and at least 20.000 families homeless. When the earthquake hit, Algerian Red Crescent staff and volunteers were quick to respond to the disaster, participating in search and rescue efforts, providing first aid, transporting the injured to hospitals, mobilizing blood donors and distributing relief goods. Following the disaster, the Internatioal Federation launched an appeal for immediate response for quake victims. Many National Red Crescent and Red Cross societies sent their sescue teams and sniffer dogs to search for survivors trapped under the rubble. Now the Federation is supporting the Algerian Red Crescent to provide up to 40.000 people with essential assistance over the next few months, in the form of food, water, tents adn relief items. As well as providing material assistance, they will also continue to provide vital psychological support services to traumatized people.

I-Reading Comprehension:
1- Give title to the text.
2- Answer these questions according to the text.
a- Was Boumerdes'earthquake the only one to hit Algeria ? Justify from the text.
b- Who first reacted to the disaster ?
c- Did Algeria get any assistance from other countries ? Justify.
3- What/who do the underlined words refer to ? (in the text)
4- Find in the text words synonyms to:
Many(§1)= taking part(§2)= debris(§3)= important(§4)=

II-Mastery Of Language:
1-Report these sentences:
a- "I want to save humanity as I saw the volunteers doing", he said.
b- "People are shocked and some have lost a lot of weight", a psychologist explained.
c- "Whene did you join the Red Crescent ?", she asks him.
d- "Hurry up ! Many people are under the rubble", he ordered them.
2-Put the verbs between brachets in the correct form:
a- If you (to be) there, you (can help) whene the disaster happened.
b- what (to happen) if Martians (to invade) the earth?
c- earthquakes usually (to happen) suddenly.
d- Last month, and earthquake (to hit) Haiiti, and it (to kill) many people.
3-There is one mistake in each sentence. Correct it.
a- we should prepared ourselves for earthquakes.
b- You'd better to not drink that water, it's full of germs.
c- Youths were digging through the rubble so as to got people out of the destroyed buildings.
4-Classify thes words according to the pronunciation of their final "ed": ( t - d - ed )
Devasted – damaged – demolished – remained

III-Written Expression:
1- Choose one of the following topics:
Topic one: Write a short announcement to state the different safety measures that should be taken before,
durig and after an earthquake.
Use these notes:
a- Plan emergency procedures.
b- Don't panic.
c- Provide first aid.
d- Check for injuries.
Topic two: Describe a disaster you have witnessed in your life.

proposed correction
1-the title: earthquake and solidarity 0.5
2-a-no, it wasn't . it was algeria worst ..... 0.5
b-the algerian red crescent stuff and volunteers 0.5
c-yes, it did 0.5
3-it: earthquake 0.5
their: red crescent and red cross 0.5
they: the the federation and the algerian red crescent 0.5
4-many: numerous 0.5
taking part: participating 0.5
debris: rubble 0.5
important: essential 0.5
II-text exploration
1-a- he said that he wanted to save humanity as he had seen 0.5
b- a psychologist explained that people were shocked and some had a lost of weight 0.5
c- she asks him when he joined the red crescent 0.5
d- he ordered them to hurry up because many people were under the rubble 0.5
2-a- were/are , would help 1
b- would happen , invaded 1
c- happen 1
d- hit , killed 1
3- a- prepare 0.5
b- you'd better not drink 0.5
c- got: get 0.5
5- /t/: demolished 0.5
/d/: damaged , remained 1
/ed/: devasted 0.5
III-written expression 5