[لغة إنجليزية] - تعبير عن السلام | منتديات الدراسة الجزائرية

[لغة إنجليزية] تعبير عن السلام

Every human being longs to live in peace.

Contrary to the spirit of adventure, war and fighting with the human aspiration to a sedentary life, the life of tranquility, calm and harmony with God and self and others. Even amid wars, people are looking forward to peace, they say: When wars end. If we look at all the human heritage, we find that all the secretions philosophical and religious "pagan" and ideological was and is still calling for a comprehensive peace and full and complete, and of course every school or thought or philosophy calls for peace from their own perspective, and has the means specified. In our conversation here we're going to the teachings of Islam about peace and war, and Christian teachings about peace and war.

Islam and Peace

Qur'an: and received the word of peace and derivatives about 50 times in the Quran, have received first call in Nisa 94: 4 "O ye who believe, if you strike the sake of God Vtbinwa do not say who gave you peace'm not a believer," .. and appropriate verse that a Bedouin saluted a crowd of Jund al-Islam greeting, "Peace be upon you," he said, but said that so as not to kill him, and they have to kill him. Vjnod Islam were killed, greeted them by saying peace be upon you, he did not initiate the fighting or aggression, but also to peace, and the verse came to correct the position of Muslim soldiers who Abadrunhm peace.

In this text we understand that the direct meaning of the word peace in Islam is not war or truce and to refrain from fighting. The most common meaning of the word peace is the greeting, and this greeting is the relationship of pacifism, that is not a war there.

The interpretation of the word peace salute is known to the word even before Islam meaning, says son of perspective in the Dictionary "San Arabs" (Vol. 12, page 289) that the greeting among the Arabs before Islam was "Peace be upon you," and it means not to war and instability between Arab tribes and clans, and when Islam came , inherited from the Arabs the same greeting: Peace be upon you. You should also note here that the greeting, "Peace be upon you" is an expression of Hebrew and Aramaic Old, have been received in the Old Testament of the Bible in the Book of Judges 20:19 and II Samuel 28:18 and the prophecy of Daniel 18:10. That is, they greet well-known among the Jews. I also found the phrase "peace be upon you" in the city of Petra excavations where he lived Nabataeans. This greeting was not contained in the Koran, but the language of evil (without the definition), and the only time they are received this greeting identifier in a language they are in the words of the Qur'an in the words of Christ: "Peace on the day I was born and the day I die and the day raised alive" (Maryam 33:19 ), and the rest of the apostles and prophets, the Koran says: "Peace on Noah," "and peace for Abraham" and Moses and Aaron and all Yassin and peace on the senders (salute and received 15 times)

The peace of the names of Allah: the Koran says about God in Al-Hashr 23:59 "is the God who is no god but He, the King, the Holy peace insured dominant Aziz Jabar arrogant Hallelujah what associates". Here we find a number of beautiful names, calling on God in the Koran, and, inter alia, peace name, which is not only in this verse explains son perspective this name in San Arabs (12 Page 290 folder), saying the name of God for the safety of the defect and deficiency.

He says Ibn Kathir in (Volume IV of the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an Page 535)

Peace: "Which of all the flaws and shortcomings of perfection in himself and his qualities and his actions" In Jalalain: "Peace: a safety deficiencies", meaning that most of the interpreters of Islam agree that the launch of the peace name of God but is intended that the God Salem of imperfections and defects, but contemporary thinker Sayyid Qutb, adds in his interpretation "in the shadows of the Qur'an" glitter not intended definitely in the Qur'an, where he says: "Peace is the name commonly peace, security and tranquility in the corners of existence, and in the heart of the believer toward his Lord, he is safe in the neighborhood Salem under Islamic rule .. and Aaob heart of this name of peace, comfort and reassurance. " Note here is that while the Koran speaks to the peace of the names of God, in the sense that God is full of flaws and Salem, Sayyid Qutb is trying to connect the name of God the situation of Muslim attacks, which thus adds sheen not frequented by the Koran. (Volume VI shadows of the Qur'an page 3533). The al-Tabari says: any peace that delivers created out of darkness, which is the name of the names (see Tabari: Collector statement in the interpretation of the Koran Volume 12, part 28, page 36). Dar es Salaam paradise - paradise in the Quran is Dar es Salaam, as we read in the: Surah Yunus 25:10, and Al cattle 54: 6, and Al-Hijr 46:15 A Muslim will test just peace in Dar es Salaam, but this test, or savor the peace would only be the pious Muslims, the Muslim is hell would respond first, as stated in Surah Maryam 71:19 72 "If you only normal result was the Lord inevitably doomed. Then shall save those who fear" God save him, it will go to Dar es Salaam in peace, safety of any lesions and death and the pyramid and sickness.

Peace Laylat al-Qadr: According to Al-Qadr "Peace is until dawn" No disease in which the devil can not do something.

With the enemies of peace: peace with the enemies of peace conditional Bjnoham as stated in Al-Anfal 61: 8 "If they incline to peace, incline, and trust in God." It is not a final ruling, but temporarily, until I got Surat patent where he became the option for either a tribute or the enemy of Islam, there is no peace with enemies (Sayyid Qutb: In the shadows of the Koran. 3:00 1546 folder (